The Legendary Tale of Shaun in The City...
Back in 2015, Aardman’s beloved bleater, Shaun the Sheep, took over the streets of Bristol and London with two iconic sculpture art trails to raise...
We're your one-stop shop for the latest products featuring characters from Aardman's classic and much-loved animations, including Wallace & Gromit, Shaun the Sheep and more. Plus you'll find gifts inspired by Bristol's Gromit Unleashed sculpture art trails.
All profits support Bristol Children's Hospital and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at St Michael’s Hospital.
Learn about the three charity art trails that inspired our wonderful gift range and collectible figurines.
With your help, Gromit Unleashed has raised millions of pounds to support sick children at Bristol Children's Hospital and St Michael's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Back in 2015, Aardman’s beloved bleater, Shaun the Sheep, took over the streets of Bristol and London with two iconic sculpture art trails to raise...
The Van and motorbike are now on display at Atwell Wilson Motor Museum in Calne, Wiltshire. If you've visited The Gromit Unleashed Shop at The Ma...